Providing actionable insights and valuable information to help you navigate the complexity of tax law for your business.

Business owners should be aware that IRS audits in 2022 will increase as the government tries to find funding for the new trillion dollar Build Back Better Act.

How Build Back Better Bill will Affect Business Owners in 2022

The Build Back Better Bill, also known as the Build Back Better Act, is structured to support the middle class and expand the economy. It states that taxes for those with an income under $400,000 will not change. But the funding for this trillion-dollar…
A 2021 EDD Audit will include classification criteria from the Borello Test and the ABC Test

What Will 2021 EDD Audits Look Like?

Watch our video below to learn how the last 12 quarters affect your EDD audit criteria. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container…
CRIMINAL TAX justice and law concept. male lawyer working in office. Legal law, advice and justice concept.
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Criminal Tax

If you receive a call from a special agent from the IRS CID, you must always assert your right to an attorney. Do not assume that you have to answer any questions. You have the right to remain silent and you should always consult with your lawyer before speaking with any type of federal investigator.
Form 5472 is a taxpayer return for US corporations with reportable transitions that are at least 25% foreign-owned or have 25% foreign corporation engagement.

What Is Form 5472?

Form 5472 is a United States Taxpayer’s return for:  Any U.S. corporation that is at least 25% foreign-owned or Any U.S. corporation that has at least 25% foreign corporation engagement in a U.S. trade or business.  If a corporation…
File tab with focus on savings. Conceptual image for illustration of debt vs savings
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Tax Lien

The best way to remove a lien is to pay your debt in full. Within 30 days of paying the debt, the IRS will release your lien. As an experienced tax law firm, we know that not everyone is in a position to be able to pay off their debt in full. If you contact our San Diego tax lien lawyer, we can explain to you your various options for reducing the severity of your lien.
Urgent IRS Notice Envelope

IRS Notices: What They Mean

IRS Notices come with codes that can seem unduly cryptic on first read.If your business receives an IRS notice, locate the code and use this reference to better understand what these IRS notices mean and what you are being contacted about.  IRS…
Dynamex, AB-5 and Prop 22 explained

How Dynamex Ruined it for Everybody

Who is Dynamex and what did they do? Watch our video below: .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed…

IRS Fresh Start: A Way Forward for Unpaid Tax Burdens

IRS Fresh Start: a Way Forward for Unpaid Tax Burdens In 2008, in response to the recession caused by the collapse of the housing market, IRS re-invigorated a program that had been called The Fresh Start Program for many years. The Fresh…
The percentage discount from the mobile phone.
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Sales Tax Audits

As former business owners and decision makers, we have over a decade of legal, business, and tax law experience. Rest-assured that your case will be in good hands when you hire our San Diego sales tax law firm.
What do you need to know about California Franchise Tax Board

Article Review: Tougher than IRS? California Franchise Tax Board

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What Every Business Owner Needs to Know:

What Every Business Owner Needs to Know

Starting a business rarely begins with a strategic checklist of all of the resources necessary to run and scale successfully. Rather, many, if not most businesses start because the founder has a passion or skill that is exceptional and in-demand…
Vince B. EDD audit Case Story

Vince B. EDD Audit Case Study

We are grateful to our client, Vince B., for sharing his story of how we were able to help him weather an EDD audit. This audit could have closed his business and had far-reaching repercussions for his personal finances as well as business finances. In…