Providing actionable insights and valuable information to help you navigate the complexity of tax law for your business.

How Prop 22 Continues to Influence the Gig Economy

How Proposition 22 Continues to Influence the Gig Economy

After companies including Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, and others spent nearly $200 million campaigning for the addition of a ballot measure exempting them from the previously passed California AB5 ruling. They won, and so began Proposition 22.  The…
Stock Market Capital Gains Increasing From A Bull Market High Quality
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Corporate Tax

Determining the amount of taxes you owe depends on the type of business entity your corporation is. To avoid double taxation, or when both shareholders and the corporation pays taxes, the business chooses which kind of corporation it is and who will pay the taxes.
Your Tax Day Checklist: How to Prepare to Avoid an Audit

Your Tax Day Checklist: How to Prepare to Avoid an Audit

Despite everyone’s awareness that tax day is rolling around each year, many companies still end up leaving their filings until the last minute. As a result, the last-minute filings can easily lead to accidental mistakes when filing.  Nobody…
JOhn mIlikowsky EDD DOL Final Ruling

Department of Labor Independent Contractor Final Ruling

On January 7th, 2021, the US Department of Labor (DOL) announced the updated ruling to clarify its interpretation of independent contractor status as part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).  Overall, the ruling stands largely unchanged…
triggers edd audit

What Triggers an EDD Audit?

EDD Audit Triggers Independent contractor filed for unemployment A disgruntled worker (1099 or W2) reported your company to EDD EDD “randomly” selects your company based on a computer algorithm – one factor is the larger % of…
how long does an edd audit last

How Long Does an EDD Audit Last?

How long does an EDD audit last? If EDD selects your company for an audit of your contractors, you can expect the audit to last between 3 months and 9 months.   The purpose of an EDD audit The purpose of an EDD audit is to determine if your…
edd crim investigation
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Can an EDD Audit Turn Into a Criminal Investigation?

In short, yes. If you are paying workers who are not reported on a 1099 or W2 (for instance you are paying workers in cash and have no record of their payroll or payments), EDD may assess a fraud penalty and could open a criminal investigation.…
triggers irs audit

What Triggers an IRS Audit?

San Diego Tax Attorney, John Milikowsky IRS selects returns for audit based on numerous criteria. Here are some common ways your return can be selected for an audit: You fail to report income that reported on a W2 or 1099 (this can be from…
IRS Penalty Notice, Tax Audit, or Soft Letter: What’s the Difference?

What Are the Different Types of IRS Notices?

There are a variety of different notices that IRS sends to taxpayers, not all of which are as intimidating as many assume them to be. To most, the initial response upon receiving any notice from IRS is a mild amount of panic and confusion. In…
Can IRS Take Money I Owe from an LLC Partnership?

Can IRS Take Money I Owe from an LLC Partnership?

Tax season is often a daunting annual recurrence for business owners. For most businesses, this is because there’s a personal side of taxes too. As a business owner, there’s a high level of personal liability entangled in taxes.  Taxes…
Red Flags and Risk Factors

Six Triggers of an IRS Audit

Risk Factors and Red Flags: Why IRS might audit you! An audit is, in itself, not a bad thing.  we have come to equate audit with accusation or wrongdoing but an IRS audit is simply a review of the records.  Int his spirit, there is no reason…
Why to File 1099s for All of Your Contractors

Why to File 1099s for All of Your Contractors

A 1099 worker, or contractor, is filed differently from a traditional full-time W-2 employee. While employees are eligible for benefits including worker’s compensation and federal unemployment, 1099 contractors are not. Businesses often utilize…